
A library to integrate the awesome frameworks Django REST Framework and SQLAlchemy

  • Free software: MIT license
  • Supports SQLAlchemy 0.7.8 and above


  • Provides GET verb implementation for SQLAlchemy models
  • List, filter and paginate multiple rows
  • Fetch single object with nested objects as complete URIs
  • Supports multiple primary keys
  • Provides ability to use ‘Manager’ like classes to work with SQLAlchemy models
  • Supports both Declarative and Classical styles

Install dependencies

` pip install -r requirements.txt `

Run tests

` make test `


Getting Started

Assuming you have a SQLAlchemy model defined as below:

class DeclarativeModel(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'test_model'

    declarativemodel_id = Column(INTEGER, primary_key=True)
    field = Column(String)
    datetime = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
    floatfield = Column(Float)
    bigintfield = Column(BigInteger)
    child_model = relationship(ChildModel, uselist=False, primaryjoin=
                              (declarativemodel_id == ChildModel.parent_id))

Define the ‘manager’ class to work on above model:

class DeclarativeModelManager(SessionMixin, AlchemyModelManager):
    model_class = DeclarativeModel

SessionMixin just provides a convenient way to initialize the SQLAlchemy session. You can achieve the same by definining __init__ and setting ```self.session``` instance

Define the Django REST viewset and specify the manager class:

class DeclModelViewSet(AlchemyModelViewSet):
    manager_class = DeclarativeModelManager

Finally, register the routers as you would normally do using Django REST:

viewset_router = routers.SimpleRouter()
viewset_router.register(r'api/declmodels', DeclModelViewSet,


Pagination works exactly like Django REST Framework (and Django). Provided your viewset has the `paginate_by` field set, pass page number in querystring:

class ModelViewSet(AlchemyModelViewSet):
    paginate_by = 25
  • 5th page `curl -v  http://server/api/declmodels/?page=5`
  • Last page `curl -v  http://server/api/declmodels/?page=last`
  • First page `curl -v  http://server/api/declmodels/`


Filters work exactly like Django REST Framework. Pass the field value pair in querystring.

`curl -v  http://server/api/declmodels/?field=value`

Advanced Usage

Multiple primary keys

To use some sort of identifier in the URI, the library tries to use the following logic.

  1. If a single primary key is found, use it! That was simple..
  2. For multiple keys, try to find a field with convention ‘model_id’
  3. If not found, see if the model has ‘pk_field’ class variable
  4. If not found, raise KeyNotFoundException

In addition, to support multiple primary keys which cannot be accomodated in the URI, the viewset needs to override the `get_other_pks` method and return back dictionary of primary keys. Example:

class ModelViewSet(AlchemyModelViewSet):
    manager_class = ModelManager
    def get_other_pks(self, request):
        pks = {
            'pk1': request.META.get('PK1'),
            'pk2': request.META.get('PK2'),
        return pks

Manager factory

The base AlchemyModelViewSet viewset provides a way to override the instantiation of the manager. Example:

class ModelViewSet(AlchemyModelViewSet):
    def manager_factory(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return ModelManager()

Nested Models

This library recommends using the drf-nested-routers for implementing nested child models. Example:

child_router = routers.NestedSimpleRouter(viewset_router, r'api/declmodels',

For more details, refer to the drf-nested-routers documentation.

Custom methods

DRF allows to add custom methods other than the default list, retrieve, create, update and destroy using the @action decorator. However, if you have managers, then you can simply provide action methods on the manager and specify the action methods using action_methods field The methods have to return back appropriate status per below map.

‘created’: status.HTTP_201_CREATED, ‘updated’: status.HTTP_200_OK, ‘accepted’: status.HTTP_202_ACCEPTED


class MyManager(AlchemyModelManager):

action_methods = {‘do_something’: [‘POST’]}

def do_something(self, data, pk=None, **kwargs):
# data is actual payload return {‘status’: ‘created’}
class ModelViewSet(AlchemyModelViewSet):
manager_class = MyManager

`curl -X POST http://server/api/declmodels/1/do_something/`

Read-only API

If you need only the GET method, and do not wish to expose/support POST/PUT/DELETE then you can use the djangorest_alchemy.routers.ReadOnlyRouter instead of the DefaultRouter


The examples folder demonstrates a real-world example using Cars and Parts as the object models.

Run the following command just as you would normally run a Django project:

` cd examples python runserver --settings=settings `

Then type the following in your favorite browser:

` http://localhost/api/cars/ `